Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Tandem Posting Project

The Tandem Posting Project is a series of posts in which my lovely friend Ammie and I are writing thematically-linked essays. The topics are wide and varied, and we are having a lot of fun writing together. The following is a list of the topics and links to our respective posts.

* Cooking Without a Recipe
~where credit is due {Ammie}
~Like Butterflies {Rose-Anne}

* Long-Distance Friendship
~everything with wings is restless {Ammie}
~We Can Give It Away {Rose-Anne}

* Gender
~clap your hands if you believe {Ammie}
~One Piece of the Puzzle {Rose-Anne}

* Science
~consort with things eternal {Ammie}
~Where the Stories Are {Rose-Anne}

* A Sense of Place
~to take what we love inside
~Whatever Happens {Rose-Anne}

* Dirt
~dust to dust {Ammie}
~A Sign of the Earth {Rose-Anne}

* Recipes that Remind Us of People
~the past, via split peas {Ammie}
~Pumpkin Soup, with a Side of Melancholy {Rose-Anne}

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